I had a blog, of sorts at tumblr for a very long time. As all  I wanted to do was post my thoughts and ramblings, mixed in with pics about food, travels and life of a sea going cook. It seemed that it got a way from me and as I write no one can access it through the traditional way. I guess in my very lazy approach of just wanting to post crap for people to access when they want I messed up some how in the tumblr universe. So be it. 

So after a drizzled 2 hr walk in the woods I decided to recamp and revamp  at this location and guess what! I had set this up years ago and in my wizened way, completely forgot about it. Don't get me going on that as I approach 57! 

As of right now I have attempted to bring my tumblr stuff here but lack the patience in trying to do so. I think I will just bring it over in bits and pieces for anyone interested. I was just able to make  a zip file of all my stuff but of course that was easy--now I need to figure out how to get it here. I will try that starting today between looking for a sea going job, re heating pizza and awaiting hockey tonight!


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