So I have four short stories completed now. There is no name for the small project but eventually they will be left in the woods, on their own. Maybe some wandering soul, lost or knowing may stumble upon them, have a read and leave them be. With the three previous projects I have left them and either they disintegrate due to weather or there were taken down by people wanting to take them home. Fair enough I guess as for the most part they were on or near trails. This time, I will venture further off trail and maybe, just maybe they will stay up a little longer! People ask why, why leave them out there? I am not sure. At first, with the Newfoundland Literary Repatriation Project (yes a few beers came up with that !), I had the idea of giving culture back to the woods by putting a collection of books from all disciplines up around Leamy's brook and Freshwater bay long before they put up a parking lot so to speak---read-- a trail that goes all the way around. Back then you would have...
Showing posts from February, 2021